Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The saga of the Logo

we just finalized the logo TODAY.

This has been about a two week process.

Basically, out old logo WAS pretty cool, but it wasnt very contrasty...Lots of grey on a black background....... it just didnt work. So we went back to the drawing board. Our SUPER talented artist/staff member redesigned the logo from the ground up, and the results were VERY impressive, but ultimately, it just didnt "work" with the rest of the website for various reasons from a design standpoint.
The above logo is the logo that is NOT being used........... but we just wanted to show it to you because alot of work went into it, and yes.... its still pretty dang cool.... So down the line, you might see it again.

We ended up returning to our ORIGINAL logo and modifying it a bit.......
the result is VERY stunning and definantly sets the "mood" and "tone" of the website and what its all about.
Want to see it?
Well, you will just have to wait until the site is launched!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Notice that little question mark in the title? well.. that just means that we are HOPEFULLY going to be relaunching THIS WEEK!
We are doing some final redesign of the logo, and a few tweeks with the forum, but it is ALMOST ready to go!

We have ALOT of new features in store for you!