Friday, January 30, 2009

Welcome To the CEF Blog!

Well, Its been a long run........ has been down nearly 3 months....., but the wait WILL be worth it!

During the short while we were up, we gathered an incredible 70 members..... over half of those members are well known custom makers and craftsmen in their respective fields. That alone is a huge accomplishment and a true testimant to the vision of Cutting Edge Forum.

Shortly after the crash of the server, I recieved numerous emails from many of our members begging for the forums return. Apparently we had made a much larger impact on the online community than even we the Adminstration had foreseen.

This dedication and love that we recieved made us realize that we absolutly HAD to bring CEF back to YOU. I was told my several members that we had created a VERY large void and were sorely missed.

To that end, We have been working VERY hard and "doing it right" this time; no shortcuts, nothing small.... nothing short of excellant........ that is what YOU, our members expect and that is what WE are prepared to give you.

I appreciate everyones patience during this time as well. We have had a few promised and then missed launch dates already, but not anymore. This Blog has been created so that our members can keep up to date with all the progress we are making..... and trust me..... we ARE making progress!

The ORIGINAL plan for Cutting Edge Forum was to develop it into a WEBSITE that was an online resource and database of reviews, Articles and tutorials submitted by our members. The Forum itself was actually designed just to supliment the website..... Well, the website never happened and only the forum was created.
Since we are basically starting from scratch, we have decided to take a bit more time and do it EXACTLY like we wanted from the beginning and offer all of the resources to our members we had originall planned.

This will make the Cutting Edge experience much more enjoyable and rewarding in the end for everyone!

Stay tuned and thank you for viewing our Blog!!